The Audio-Video Room/Study Hall of the library,  is located in room P11, Building A, of the Faculty

  • 2 VDT (Video display terminal) for DVD and VHS
  • 1 audio terminal
  • 2 computer terminals
  • 15 seats available
  • 250 VHS films, 350 DVD films, 1000 music CD
  • Detached section of the “Luigi Chiarini” Library of the Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia. Composed of volumes on film, it was established following an agreement between the Foundation and  University of Tor Vergata. The Memorandum of Understanding entrusts to the Library, in free loan, the double copies of the volumes of the “Luigi Chiarini” Library, in continuous expansion. It currently contains approximately 3500 volumes.

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday: 10.00 AM – 16.00 PM


Consultation reserved for students and teaching staff of the University  of Tor Vergata.


Except for multimedia material, the library volumes are regularly available.

Audio-video room:

Contacts: 06/7259.5199 – 06/7259.5147